Tabatha joined Magnolia in 2020. She has been a passionate Montessorian for the past seven years. She graduated from Montclair State University in 2015 with a B.A. in Elementary Education, after knowing from a young age that she wanted to become a teacher. Initially, she thought her passion would be to teach older children until she discovered Maria Montessori. Tabatha began her Montessori journey as an assistant teacher at Hoboken Montessori School. She instantly fell in love with the Montessori method, and knew this is where she belonged as an educator. In 2017, Tabatha completed her Montessori certification at Westside Montessori School in NYC. Tabatha's warm and caring personality will certainly capture the hearts of your little learners in the classroom.
The Magnolia Flower symbolizes perseverance, nobility and dignity; three values we strive to instill in our students.
Magnolia Montessori School
2 Lake Drive
Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889
(908) 534-2038
Magnolia Montessori School
Magnolia Montessori School